People come to therapy for so many reasons. It can be when we are going through a difficult time mentally, emotionally. It can be when we are going through a big transition in life and need that extra support. It can be when we are feeling a little lost and just need support while we find our new direction. I have also seen self-reflection and need to learn more about oneself to be a big driver. All these different reasons, have a few key factors in common:
the need to express,
to have support,
to grow and learn,
to have tools that support their mental and emotinal health,
to align with one’s true self
My experience as both a client and a therapist, is that when we start to dig deep within ourselves and find the root causes & beliefs that drive our thoughts and actions, it is so much deeper than what sits in our conscious mind. These deeper beliefs and imprints sit within our subconscious & unconscious mind. They can sit in our nervous system. They sit in our energetic body. They can have arisen from our past lived experiences, both in this life time and even from our past life times. They can also have originated from our family’s beliefs and deeper ancestral roots.
Hence, this is why I believe this journey benefits from exploring both your more commonly known talking therapies, as well as other alternative holistic therapies. I have found having a combined approach can be so powerful.
Talking therapies have so many healing elements. Expression and feeling heard when we are working through a challenge or exploring our inner world are so essential. They allow us to express something in our inner world which we have suppressed for so long or have not been able to create space for. This may also allow us to express any repressed emotions in an environment that feels emotionally safe and free from judgement. It’s a space that is primarily about us, rather than others. Also listening to what we are expressing allows us to hear our inner thoughts in the open, allow us to have insights and may help to bring clarity and structure to these thoughts that sit within the conscious mind. This can start to open the door to what might sit deeper.
However if we are willing to go deeper, into the subconscious mind into the energetic body, we are able to create deeper change which can result in long term transformation. We want to unlayer those deeper beliefs and energetic imprints that don’t serve us. We many carry around beliefs such as ‘not feeling good enough’ or ‘not feeling safe enough’ which can affect not only our nervous system, emotional and mental states, but have a huge impact on our reactions and everyday behaviours which ultimately dictate our life. So combining talking therapy with hypnotherapy which works with the subconscious, or energetic healing modalities such as ‘Reiki’ can be very powerful. Additionally reflecting on any connections between thoughts and emotions and the physical body, allows us to better understand the signals that we are always receiving. This way we can listen to them sooner rather than later. Taking a holistic approach your therapist can guide you to connect and check in regularly.
As we go through those deep layers, we find that we start to connect with that deeper version of ourselves. We start to connect with our spirit. We can get a better understanding of our true purpose and desires for our life. We can start making aligned decisions from this space within us, leading to deep sense of satisfaction and inner peace.